Is Currently Unreachable

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I am having a weird issue with my Chrome browser and I can't find how to fix it. Each time I try to access my Gmail email I got the following message:

  1. Failed Network Is Unreachable
  2. Is Currently Unreachable Err_ssl_version_interference

This site can’t be reached

'Gmail - This app is currently unreachable' displayed in popup. Google Tasks (by Google) 1.0 Google Chrome 13.0.767.1 (Official Build 85531) dev-m OS. On the subdomain so Chrome assumes it is part of the Gmail app). Oct 13, 2018  Gmail and Facebook unreachable following 10th October Windows 10 and Malicious Software Removal Tool Update KB4462919 and KB890830 My fairly new laptop running Windows 10 Pro (Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134) can no longer access Gmail or Facebook within Chrome after 2 Windows updates installed on 10th October 2018. Apr 17, 2016  Fix This site can't be reached ERRCONNECTIONREFUSED in Google chrome-I got the error message while surfing the internet. This site can’t be reached-this si. is currently unreachable.


Checking the connection Checking the proxy and the firewall



I have tried the following:

  • Settings > Advanced > Reset
  • Settings > Advanced > Clear Browsing Data (from the beginning of the times)

None of them works and I got exactly the same issue after give it another try.

This is a work connection and does not affect any other browser. I have tried Firefox and the email works properly. At first I blame the connection but now seeing that it works on Firefox I can't do that. I am not behind any proxy.

Can any help me?

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5 Answers


I'm one of the people working on SSL/TLS for Chrome.

We're experimenting with draft versions of TLS 1.3, the next revision of the TLS protocol. Unfortunately, we're seeing issues with buggy middleware (antivirus, firewalls, proxies, etc.) which break when TLS 1.3 is enabled. ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE means we've detected one of these cases.

Would you mind filing a bug at We can then take it from there. Anyone else seeing this issue, please do also file a bug.


David BenjaminDavid Benjamin

For me. I just disable the tls 1.3 and google mail works again. @_@

Hyosoka PoipoHyosoka Poipo

I got the same issue recently at work after updating Chrome. I tried to set TLS version to 1.2 in chrome://flags and it works again.


Windows 10 new folders. Certainly, if you have google-chrome stable 63.0.3239.84 or upper, you can get your self-signed certificates working again (in my case, to access my Canon Printer configuration) with the red triangle on the left thorough: chrome://flags, looking for TLS and disabling TLS 1.3.

Instead, you can, of course, regenerate your certificates to be TLS 1.3 compatible.

TLS 1.3 certainly have advantages in security and performance (mainly about the handshake process).

It is worth mentioning that firefox 52.5.0 ESR worked as expected before. No proxy, and navigating, as previously said, my Canon printer in the LAN. It was only a 'problem' with google-chrome (64bit) in Linux.

Miguel A. ROMiguel A. RO

See if you can fix this error by applying three solutions:

  • Reverse your recent changes in the proxy settings
  • Disable TLS 1.3 from chrome flag settings
  • Uncheck Automatic Detect option from Internet Options > Internet Properties > LAN Settings > Connection

One of above solution will surely fix ssl version error on your pc.


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When your Gmail isn't working properly or at all, it is normal to wonder if it is down for everybody or down for you alone. Does Google know about the problem or should you alert the company to the outage?

You can find out whether Google is aware of Gmail service disruptions — login failures, missing data, or certain functions not working — and check for an estimate on how long the outage will last by checking the Google Status Dashboard page.

Check the Google Status Dashboard

If you're having trouble with your Gmail account, it could be that you are not alone. The service may be disrupted or down completely. However, it could be just you. Before you take any other action, check the current status of Gmail.

  1. Go to the Google Status Dashboard webpage.

  2. Look at the Current status column for Gmail. Gmail is usually listed first. A green radio button next to Gmail indicates there are no known issues with Gmail currently. An orange radio button indicates a service disruption, and a red radio button indicates a service outage.

  3. Go across to today's date in the Gmail row of the chart and read any comments that appear there. Usually, when the radio button is red or orange, there is some indication as to what is going on or when it might be fixed.

If the radio button is green, only you are having a problem, and you may need to contact Gmail support for help. If the radio button is orange or red, Google knows about it, and there's nothing you can do until Google resolves the problem.

You can also subscribe to the Google Status Dashboard RSS feed in your RSS feed reader to receive up-to-date status reports.

Go to the Gmail Help Center

Before you contact Google for help, look at the Gmail Help Center to see solutions to frequently occurring problems with Gmail.

Click on Fix a problem and choose the category that best matches the trouble you are having. Categories include:

  • Gmail messages are missing

  • Unwanted or suspicious emails

  • Loading & display

  • Account

  • Can't sign in to your Google account

  • Sync & import

  • Rejected messages

You may find a solution at the Help Center. If not, it is time to contact Google.

How to Report an Issue to Google

Failed Network Is Unreachable

If you encounter a problem not on the Gmail Help Center list, report it to Google. To do this: Is Currently Unreachable Err_ssl_version_interference

  1. Click the Settings cog icon from within Gmail.

  2. Select Send Feedback from the drop-down menu.

  3. Describe your issue in the Send feedback screen that opens.

  4. Include a screen shot of the problem if you have one.

    You can use the provided tools to hide and highlight things in your screenshot.

You will receive a response from a technician who will assist with your problem.

If your Gmail is part of a paid G Suite account, you have additional service options that include phone, chat, and email support.