Skyrim Daedric Artifacts Mod

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Azura – Azura’s Star

As one of the marginally 'good' Daedra, Azura is also one of the most well-known among players of the Elder Scrolls games. She cursed the Dark Elves, making them what they are now, and helped turn you into the Nerevarine in Morrowind.

Daedric Artifacts are items enchanted by the Daedric Lords and passed on to mortals, usually their champions. They may be found all throughout Skyrim or given by a Daedric Prince himself. They may be found all throughout Skyrim or given by a Daedric Prince himself.

About this mod. Update for most daedric artifacts to improve long term usability of the quest items. Increased enchantment strength, Dawnguard sun damage, crafting fixes, and general balancing. Artifacts should be usable at any level with crafting bonuses. About this mod. Update for most daedric artifacts to improve long term usability of the quest items. Increased enchantment strength, Dawnguard sun damage, crafting fixes, and general balancing. Artifacts should be usable at any level with crafting bonuses.

Quest – The Black Star

Talk to the staff of the inn in Whiterun about rumors until someone mentions Azura's Shrine. You'll then be able to spot it on your map to the southeast of Winterhold. Upon arriving at said shrine, you'll want to converse with the Dunmer woman there.

You have a choice with this one. Side with the mage to get the Black Star, capable of holding only humanoid souls, or you can have Azura herself restore the star to its former glory. If you chose Azura's method, her priestess Aranea will offer to be your Follower.

Boethiah – Ebony Mail

Boethiah can be found by finding either the Boethiah's Proving book (either laying about in a dungeon or on a dead cultist) or the shrine itself. Either way, you'll have to be at least level 32 to undertake this mission.

Quest – Boethiah's Calling

Upon arriving at the Sacellum of Boethiah, chat with the cultists there. You'll be given a dagger and instructions on how to use it. The plot is to trick a follower into going to the shrine with you and using the sacrificial pillar. Once he has done so, he'll be immobilized and you will have to kill him. It sounds easy enough, right?

However, Boethiah isn't quite done. You and the other cultists are now effectively in a 'cage match,' and only the last man standing will earn the reward. Once you have completed this task, you'll be told that there's one last favor required of you.

Take the stealthiest possible approach to Knifepoint Ridge and eliminate all the bandits outdoors before entering the mine. Make sure you loot the Ebony Mail from the former champion's dead body inside; you don't complete the quest until you actually equip it.

Clavicus Vile – Masque or Rueful Axe

This is one of the Daedric quests that gives you a choice in rewards along with a choice in methods. If you've attained level 10, you can start the quest by speaking with the Imperial soldier at the entrance to Falkreath.

Quest – A Daedra's Best Friend

You're going to have to take out some vampires in order to follow Barbas to the shrine. Once you get there, talk to Clavicus and learn that he wants you to retrieve the Rueful Axe from Rimerock Burrow. When you return with it, Clavicus is ready to deal. Make him take his dog, Barbas, back, and he'll give you the masque. Use the axe on the dog and he'll let you keep the weapon, instead.

Hermaeus Mora – Oghma Infinium

This is the Daedric Prince of Knowledge and he — or it — does not assume a human form. Completion of his quest rewards the Oghma Infinium, a book of knowledge that will permanently boost your stats.

Quest – Discerning the Transmundane

This quest only becomes available to you after you have completed the Elder Knowledge quest in the main story line. If you've already done so and don't have the Daedric quest, head back to Mzark and retrieve the runed cube from the control panel that gave you access to the Elder Scroll.

The quest involves collecting blood from each 'Mer' race. Don't forget that Orcs are formerly called 'Orsimer,' and that the Falmer are also descended of Elves. There is no way to save Septimus from his fate, but you do now have the book.

Hircine – Ring or Savior’s Hide

Hircine is the Daedric Prince of the Hunt and is linked to werewolves in the Elder Scrolls lore. Complete his quest if you want either his Savior's Hide or Ring of Hircine. Hint – players with lycanthropy will prefer the ring.

Quest – Ill Met by Moonlight

Trigger this quest by visiting the graveyard in Falkreath and talking to Mathies. Confront Sinding and offer to remove his curse for him. Beware: relieving him of the ring will plant it firmly on you, and you'll have to deal with random werewolf turnings until the quest is over. At the end of the quest, you can choose to side with Sinding or Hircine, leading to the reward.

Malacath – Volendrung

The patron Daedra of the Orcs, Malacath is known for his enchanted ebony warhammer, Volendrung. Players who like using two-handers will want to trigger this quest as soon as possible upon reaching level 9.

Quest – The Cursed Tribe

You'll be looking for the Orc stronghold of Largashbur, southwest of Riften. Help the Orcs take down the giant and take it from there. You'll then be sent out on a fetch quest for some Alchemy ingredients. Return to quest-giver and you'll find out that Yamarz has fallen out of Malacath's favor. You can help with that.

Yamarz will die during the course of this quest, either by your hand or by that of another giant. No matter, the warhammer will be your reward regardless how you choose to complete the quest.

Mehrunes Dagon – Mehrune’s Razor

Mehrunes Dagon featured prominently in the last Elder Scroll game, Oblivion, and his Razor had its own DLC expansion. In Skyrim, the Razor lies in pieces and it's up to you to reclaim and reforge them.

Quest – Pieces of the Past

Once you hit level 20, you'll be greeted by a courier bearing a museum pamphlet for you at some point in your travels. Head off to Dawnstar and meet Silus, the museum's curator. Guess who he wants to go find his ancestral artifact? Dagon turns the tables on Silus, however, and just like in several other Daedric quests, your buddy must die for you to reap the reward. You weren't really all that attached to Silus, anyway.

Mephala – Ebony Blade

This Daedric Prince, known as the Webspinner, is often considered one of the least evil. That's not the same as being 'good,' but it's about as close as Daedra get. Mephala wants you to have her Ebony Blade.

Quest – The Whispering Door

You can trigger this quest quite early in game by chatting up the barkeep in Whiterun's Bannered Mare tavern. The rumor mill will direct you to the Jarl who complains of his youngest son's recent oddbehavior. Work through this quick and easy quest to earn the blade, and keep in mind that you can pickpocket a necessary key off a certain court wizard, should you desire to leave him alive.

Meridia – Dawnbreaker

Meridia is the Daedric Prince of Life; as such, all forms of undead offend her greatly. That's why she wants you to clear the Shades out of her shrine. She's willing to give you the Dawnbreaker sword if you'll do it.

Quest – The Break of Dawn

Trigger the quest after reaching level 12 by finding her statue, west of Solitude. The beacon you need will be placed in a random dungeon; find it and bring it back to gain entrance to Meridia's internal shrine. Activate the beacon inside at every opportunity and the sword will be yours in no time.

Molag Bal – Mace of Molag Bal

This is one of the more interesting of the Daedric quests in Skyrim. Molag Bal's Mace is a nice weapon to have and includes the Soul Trap enchantment.

Quest – The House of Horrors

Trigger the quest by roaming Markarth until you hear or are invited into a conversation about an Abandoned House. Agree to help investigate and the path through this quest will soon become very clear. One dead priest later — or is it two? — and you'll be the proud owner of the Mace of Molag Bal. Now that was simple.

Namira – Ring of Namira

When you think of Namira, think of spiders. Namira is willing to give you her ring, which confers a rather interesting ability. While wearing the ring, you can feed on corpses to gain a boost to both your health pool and regeneration.

Quest – The Taste of Death

This quest is triggered by venturing into Markarth's Understone Keep. Enter the Hall of the Dead from in here and you'll run into Brother Verulus. Agree to help him and you'll soon meet Eola. Follow her directions in clearing Reachcliff cave of the Draugr and she'll have a great suggestion for a feast. Bring the priest back to her and — well, you'll see. Gross.

Peryite – Spellbreaker

The Daedric Prince of Pestilence and Disease is willing to hand over his Spellbreaker shield. If you're into such things, you'll love this one. It includes a spell absorption effect that can be rather handy.

Quest – The Only Cure

You'll have to find Peryite's shrine to get started; it's northeast of Markath on a mountain path. Upon your arrival, you'll be asked for incense ingredients in order to commune with the Daedra. Agree and procure the items necessary to learn that Peryite really wants a certain elf dead. The elf in question is in a Dwemer ruin, so expect mechanicals. However, you'll also have to deal with the diseased 'Afflicted.' Double gross.

Sanguine – Sanguine Rose

This is the one Daedric Prince you'd expect to have an awesome quest. Unfortunately, he does not. The mission for his Sanguine Rose staff can be triggered at level 14 and is rather disappointing.

Quest – A Night to Remember

Visit the Bannered Mare in Whiterun and hook up with Sam Guevenne. Agree to his drinking contest and — oh, hey, what are you doing here in the Temple of Mara? You're in Markarth? How? Why?

It doesn't really matter. Agree to help clean up the place and the priestess will send you to Rorikstead. Talk to the farmer there and take his advice to head back to Whiterun. Ysolda will tell you that you owe her money, something about a wedding ring. Pay her back for it and she tells you that the ceremony was to be held in Morvunskar.

Work your way through this dungeon and eventually you'll locate a portal. Step through, laugh with Sanguine, take the staff, and where was the fun supposed to be?

Sheogorath – Wabbajack

The Daedric Prince of Madness, Sheogorath also had his own show back in Oblivion. His Wabbajack can be counted on for quite a few giggles, so if you're so inclined, read on.

Quest – The Mind of Madness

You can trigger this quest by visiting Solitude. Locate the old guy wandering around and chat him up. He'll give you the Hip Bone of Pelagius. If you've read the in-game books, you already know that guy was a nutter.

Follow your quest marker to the closest person with a key to the Pelagius Wing of the Blue Palace and then make your way inside. You'll be teleported into the mind of Pelagius. Head in and use the Wabbajack provided to zap 1) the Atronach's controllers, 2) the sleeping Pelagius and then each person or creature summoned three times, and 3) both the big and small fighting Pelagius figures until they have switched images.

Vaermina – Skull of Corruption

Skyrim Daedric Artifacts Mod 1

This Daedric Prince is well known for her Skull of Corruption and she's willing to let you have it. The Skull in Skyrim can be charged by using it on a sleeping person which causes it to do more than double damage.

Quest – Waking Nightmare

Trigger the quest in Dawnstar. You'll want to talk to Erandur in the inn about the troubles sleeping that the townspeople have been having. Agree to help and follow him to the temple. As in several other daedric quests, you're going to have to sell out your buddy if you want the reward. Kill Erandur for the Skull, or agree to let him destroy it and he'll become a follower.


  • Screenshots taken from the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim website
  • Quest information taken from the Xbox 360 port of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
This article contains video content produced by Wikia with some or no input from editors of The Elder Scrolls Wiki, and may not properly represent the scope of the written article below. Statements and footage within the video may be inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, or otherwise misleading to viewers.
For other uses, see Daedric Quests.

Daedric Quests are tasks performed for Daedric Princes. Their appearance has become somewhat customary for games in The Elder Scrolls series, and have returned in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Many of the quests are given when the Dragonborn discovers the Prince's shrine. Some Daedric Princes, however, will not give their quests from their shrines. These quests can, instead, be found at specific places or specific times. Upon completion of each quest, the Dragonborn is claimed by the Daedric Prince as their champion, their emissary on Nirn, and is rewarded with a Daedric artifact.

Skyrim more daedric artifacts mod

These Princes are Azura, Boethiah, Clavicus Vile, Hermaeus Mora, Hircine, Malacath, Mephala, Meridia, Molag Bal, Namira, Peryite, Sanguine, Sheogorath, Vaermina, and Mehrunes Dagon. Nocturnal does not give any quest, rather she plays a major role in the Thieves Guild questline. The Skeleton Key is a Daedric artifact which belongs to her and can be gained through the Thieves Guild questline, but does not contribute to the Daedric Influence or Oblivion Walker achievements/trophies. The only Prince that has no artifact or presence in Skyrim is Jyggalag.

Azura: The Black StarEdit

The quest at the Shrine of Azura asks the Dragonborn to retrieve the defiled Azura's Star, an 'infinite' soul gem. The Dragonborn must recover Azura's Star from Ilinalta's Deep and, upon success, will have two options:

A) Bring it back to Azura's shrine, or B) bring it to Nelacar, a resident of the inn at Winterhold, who helped earlier in that quest. Depending on which decision is made will determine whether one will receive Azura's Star or the Black Star.

Either choice will require the Dragonborn to enter the Star and defeat Malyn Varen who is defiling it from within. If the Dragonborn brings Azura's Star to Azura, they will be rewarded with the purified variant of the Star, which can only absorb the souls of lesser creatures. Aranea Ienith, the Priestess of Azura who gave the quest, will also become a follower. By bringing the star to Nelacar again, they will be rewarded with the Black Star, which acts as a black soul gem. Nelacar will also be a potential merchant if he is given the star.

Note: The Black Star is described as only able to take black souls, but can, in fact, absorb all level of souls.

Level Requirement: None

Boethiah: Boethiah's CallingEdit

The Ebony Mail is a variation of the Ebony Armor chestpiece. The quest requires that the Dragonborn sacrifice one of their followers at Boethiah’s shrine, after which Boethiah will speak to the Dragonborn and her followers. She commands the Dragonborn and her followers to fight each other to the death, with the last man standing having the honor of completing a task in her honor. The task is to hunt down and kill her champion,at Knifepoint Ridge, taking the Ebony Mail from him and wearing it, thus making the Dragonborn her new champion.

Level Requirement: Level 30

Clavicus Vile: A Daedra's Best FriendEdit

The quest begins in Falkreath after acquiring the task of luring out a stray dog the blacksmith is interested in. Upon finding the dog, to the Dragonborn's surprise, it speaks.

The dog, named Barbas, then requests the Dragonborn help him reunite with his master, leading the Dragonborn to Clavicus Vile's Shrine in Haemar's Shame. Clavicus agrees to take back Barbas, if the Dragonborn collects the Rueful Axe from Rimerock Burrow for him.

After acquiring the axe, he offers a deal: to let the Dragonborn keep the axe if the Dragonborn kills Barbas with it. If the Dragonborn chooses not to kill Barbas, they will receive the Masque of Clavicus Vile instead. The Masque of Clavicus Vile is a Heavy Armor helmet, which is given by Clavicus Vile after returning the Rueful Axe.

Note: The Rueful Axe does not count as Vile's Daedric artifact.

Note: It is possible to obtain both items through a complex use of the slow time shout and weapon racks.

Level Requirement: Level 10

Hermaeus Mora: Discerning the TransmundaneEdit

The quest 'Discerning the Transmundane' awards the Dragonborn with the Skill Book, the Oghma Infinium.

This quest is automatically begun during the main quest, when searching for the Blackreach Elder Scroll. To begin this quest, the Dragonborn must go to Septimus Signus' Outpost and meet Septimus Signus. After recovering the Elder Scroll and inscribing the Lexicon for Signus, he will decode it, then give the Dragonborn the Essence Extractor. This must be used to gain samples of the blood of the Falmer (Snow Elf), Bosmer (Wood Elf), Dunmer (Dark Elf), Altmer (High Elf), and Orsimer (Orc).

However, one cannot collect blood from those who suffer from vampirism, even if they are the correct race. Upon doing this, return to Septimus, who will unlock the Dwemer lockbox to reveal the Oghma Infinium. Upon the book being revealed, Septimus will try to take it and is immediately disintegrated by Hermaeus Mora, who then allows the Dragonborn to take the Oghma Infinium. It allows the Dragonborn to choose to increase all of the Mage, Thief, or Warrior skills by 5 points each.

Level Requirement: Level 15

Hircine: Ill Met by MoonlightEdit

The quest 'Ill Met by Moonlight' awards the Dragonborn with either the Savior's Hide or Ring of Hircine (or both). To begin this quest the Dragonborn must travel to the jail underneath the Falkreath Barracks and speak to Sinding. He will give the Dragonborn the Cursed Ring of Hircine. He tells the Dragonborn that the beast in the woods must be killed. The beast is revealed to be the Aspect of Hircine, who then tells the Dragonborn they must go to Bloated Man's Grotto and choose to either kill Sinding for the Hide or spare him for the Ring.

Level Requirement: None

Note: It is possible to obtain both items by using a number of different exploits.

Malacath: The Cursed TribeEdit

To obtain Volendrung the Dragonborn needs to approach the orc stronghold Largashbur. There, a female Orc, Atub, requests assistance with lifting a curse from the settlement. She requires a Daedra Heart and Troll Fat to summon Malacath.

After contacting Malacath, the Dragonborn and Chief Yamarz are sent to Giant's Grove (via Fallowstone Cave) to retrieve Shagrol's Warhammer.

Level Requirement: Level 9

Mehrunes Dagon: Pieces of the PastEdit

Mehrunes' Razor is the dagger from Oblivion that was previously used by the Mythic Dawn. It can be obtained by completing a simple chain quest. The first part of the quest involves visiting with a descendant of the assassins of Uriel Septim VII, Silus, who runs a small museum dedicated to the Mythic Dawn in Dawnstar. It holds several items from Oblivion: Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes by Mankar Camoran, Mythic Dawn robes, the sheath to the Razor, and the first page from the Mysterium Xarxes. The first portion of the quest directs the Dragonborn to gather the pieces of Mehrunes' Razor. After that, the Dragonborn must then meet Silus at the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon, speak to Mehrunes Dagon himself, and kill Silus to complete the quest and earn the reward.

Level Requirement: Level 20

Mephala: The Whispering DoorEdit

Asking Hulda the bartender at The Bannered Mare in Whiterun about rumors turns up gossip about Jarl Balgruuf's son, Nelkir. Talking to the Jarl reveals that Nelkir is troubled and he asks the Dragonborn to speak to him. Nelkir explains that a door in the basement is telling him secrets. Going to the door, a voice orders the Dragonborn to open it. Nelkir will explain that the Jarl and Farengar Secret-Fire are the only people who have keys. The Dragonborn must pickpocket the key from one of them (or kill Farengar and loot the key off his corpse) in order to gain entrance to the door. Inside they will find an Ebony Blade, along with a book providing a warning to whoever uses the weapon.

The quest then completes. Mephala will explain, however, that the weapon needs to be recharged with the 'Blood of Deceit' in order to increase its power. This will require the Dragonborn to kill friendly characters—for every two characters killed by the Dragonborn, the weapon increases in power, adding 4 to the strength of the Absorb Health effect (up to the maximum of 30); killing 10 friendly characters will max out the strength of the Absorb Health Enchantment.

Level Requirement: Level 20, completion of main quest 'Dragon Rising.'

Meridia: The Break of DawnEdit

Dawnbreaker, a one-handed enchanted sword, can be obtained by speaking to Meridia at the Statue to Meridia and completing her quest. This is a simple quest that requires the Dragonborn to find her beacon (usually found in random dungeons), and then to 'lead Meridia's light' through the dungeon underneath her Shrine. In order to do this, the Dragonborn must activate pedestals with glowing balls of light in sequence throughout the dungeon.

The dungeon itself is filled with Draugr and Corrupted Shades, and is somewhat complicated to navigate. At the end the Dragonborn will have to defeat a powerful necromancer, Malkoran, who apparently is defiling her Shrine. Upon defeating him, the Dragonborn will be granted the sword, Dawnbreaker, and receive Meridia's blessing.

Level Requirement: Level 12

Molag Bal: The House of HorrorsEdit

The Mace of Molag Bal can be found in the city of Markarth. Once walking through the main gate, outside of the 'Abandoned House,' a Vigilant of Stendarr, Vigilant Tyranus, will ask the Dragonborn if they have seen anyone entering or leaving. Going through the conversation will trigger the quest 'The House of Horrors.' Enter the house, then find the small shrine containing the Rusty Mace (Mace of Molag Bal). The shrine will speak, commanding the Dragonborn to find Logrolf the Willful, a priest of Boethiah who has been captured by the Forsworn. Once the Dragonborn returns to the shrine with the priest, the shrine will speak again. The Dragonborn will be required to slay the priest with the Mace of Molag Bal. Once this is completed, the Dragonborn will be allowed to keep the mace.

Level Requirement: None

Namira: The Taste of DeathEdit

To begin the quest, the Dragonborn must go to the bartender in the Silver-Blood Inn or talk to Brother Verulus at the Understone KeepHall of the Dead entrance. Something has been eating the dead and he needs someone to investigate. Verulus will give the Dragonborn a key. The Dragonborn will then meet Eola in the Hall of the Dead in Markarth, where she will accuse them of being a cannibal. She then asks the Dragonborn to meet her at Reachcliff Cave, where they will have to clear the cave of Draugr.

Afterwards, Eola will ask the Dragonborn to bring Brother Verulus from Markarth to the shrine. Once there, the Dragonborn must kill Verulus and eat his flesh. Namira will then speak to the Dragonborn and grant them her ring. The Ring of Namira grants the user with 50 extra points of Stamina and feeding on corpses grants a bonus to health regeneration. Eola becomes available as a follower after the quest.

Level Requirement: None

Peryite: The Only CureEdit

Upon finding the shrine, Northeast of Markarth, the Dragonborn should speak to Kesh the Clean to begin the quest. He will offer to let the Dragonborn commune with Peryite. If the Dragonborn accepts, Kesh will ask for a silver ingot, a Deathbell flower, Vampire Dust and a Flawless Ruby to make a special sort of incense. Once these items have been obtained, the Dragonborn should talk to Kesh again to have him make the incense. The Dragonborn will inhale the incense and begin talking to Peryite. He will ask for the Dragonborn to travel to Bthardamz and kill an elf named Orchendor. After he is slain, the Dragonborn can return to Peryite and claim Spellbreaker.

Level Requirement: Level 10 to get the quest from the Afflicted, or 12 to get the quest from Kesh.

Sanguine: A Night to RememberEdit

This quest can be prompted by entering a drinking contest with a mage named Sam Guevenne in the nearest tavern upon reaching level 14. Upon finishing the Drinking Contest the Dragonborn will black out, and awaken in Markarth's Temple of Dibella. However, the Dragonborn has to find or get approached by certain people in the game in order to piece together exactly what happened as a result of the contest. At the end of the chain of events, the Dragonborn ends up in the castle of Morvunskar, where they find a portal. Going through the portal transports them to a festive scene, where Sanguine approaches them and rewards them with the Sanguine Rose, which is a staff that summons a leveled Dremora for 60 seconds.

Level Requirement: Level 14

Sheogorath: The Mind of MadnessEdit

The Wabbajack is a staff, given by the Daedric Prince of madness, Sheogorath. 'The Mind of Madness' quest is started in Solitude when talking to an apparently insane homeless man, named Dervenin, who claims his master is on vacation in the Pelagius wing of the castle. If the Dragonborn cannot find Dervenin, they can go to The Winking Skeever and ask the Bartender if he has heard any rumors. He will then tell about a strange old man walking around Solitude.

When the Dragonborn investigates, they are transported inside the mind of the mad king Pelagius. There, they find Sheogorath, who offers the Dragonborn a bargain: escape Pelagius' mind, and he will return. Upon completion of the quest, he rewards the Dragonborn with the Wabbajack, a staff that when used transforms the target into another creature, summons a minor creature to attack the enemy, summons a lightning cloud, turns the enemy into coins, and more.

Level Requirement: None

Vaermina: Waking NightmareEdit

Speaking to Erandur, a follower of Mara, in the Windpeak Inn in Dawnstar will begin a quest to end the nightmares. Waking Nightmare involves a visit to the Nightcaller Temple.

After following all the quest updates, the Dragonborn will reach the end scene, as Erandur casts a spell to destroy the Skull of Corruption, a Daedric weapon which has been causing the nightmares.

The Dragonborn can kill Erandur as Vaermina commands and take the Skull as a reward, or let him complete his spell to destroy the Skull. In the latter case, he can become a follower. If the Skull is destroyed, however, Vaermina's Daedric artifact cannot be retrieved.

Level Requirement: None

Daedric Quests (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
The Black Star(Azura) • Boethiah's Calling(Boethiah) • A Daedra's Best Friend(Clavicus Vile)
Discerning the Transmundane(Hermaeus Mora) • Ill Met by Moonlight(Hircine) • The Cursed Tribe(Malacath)
Pieces of the Past(Mehrunes Dagon) • The Whispering Door(Mephala) • The Break of Dawn(Meridia)
The House of Horrors(Molag Bal) • The Taste of Death(Namira) • The Only Cure(Peryite)
A Night to Remember(Sanguine) • The Mind of Madness(Sheogorath) • Waking Nightmare(Vaermina)

Discussions about Daedric Quests (Skyrim)

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