What Is The D Drive Used For

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Recovery Drive D: almost full in one week I've been using my new notebook since last week. The allotted space for the Recovery drive D is 13G. After a week, I suddenly noticed that it is now almost full, with only 1.46G free. When I open the drive, I only see recovery folder (16KB) and HPSFrep text document (4KB). When I viewed protected. Hundreds of the best web site designs for your inspiration. Also, top menu designs and the best Wordpress themes directory.

  1. Is D Drive Ssd

Is D Drive Ssd

DriveWhat Is The D Drive Used For

This may be a stupid question, but I don't know much about computers and I'm concerned, so I have to at least ask about it. I just happened to look at how much space was on my C drive, because I was considering downloading all 800 photos from my pocket camera's SD card. That looked great, 854 GB free of 911 GB.
What I noticed was the Recover Image (D) amount, 2.29 GB free of 18.1 GB. This computer is only 3 months old, a HP desktop with Windows 10 factory installed. I have no idea why there is so little space left here, and I'm not aware of putting anything on the D drive.
Can someone tell me if this is normal? What's filling this up, and will it be completely full soon? If so, what do I do then? Any advice and information on this is appreciated. Is everyone's D drive as full as mine? Should I be worried?