Hunter Call Of The Wild Strategy

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Set:Whispers of the Old Gods
Artist:Peter Stapleton

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Summon all 3 Animal Companions.

'Hello. Misha, Leokk and Huffer aren't here right now, but if you leave a message we'll get back to you right away.' BEEP.

Call of the Wild is an epichunterspell card, from the Whispers of the Old Gods set.

How to get[editedit source]

Call of the Wild can be obtained through Whispers of the Old Godscard packs purchased online from the shop, or through crafting.

CardCrafting costDisenchanting
Call of the Wild400100
Golden Call of the Wild1600400

Summoned minions[editedit source]

One copy of each of the following minions is summoned when this spell is cast.

Notes[editedit source]

  • The companions are summoned in what in English is alphabetical order: Huffer, then Leokk, then Misha.[1] This order is used regardless of the game client's current language, although it may not be alphabetical order in other languages.[2]
    • This is important when playing with more than 4 minions already in play, since there won't be room to summon all 3 companions. This produces 4 possibilities:
      • With 4 or fewer friendly minions on the board, all 3 companions will be summoned
      • With 5 minions on the board, only Huffer and Leokk will be summoned
      • With 6 minions on the board, only Huffer will be summoned
      • With 7 minions on the board, no companions will be summoned
    • This arguably provides a bias toward aggressive play, with Huffer's Charge and then Leokk's Attack buff taking priority over Misha's Taunt.
  • Leokk's ongoing effect will be put into play as soon as it is summoned, resulting in Huffer immediately becoming a 5/2 and Misha a 5/4.
  • If used against the Kel'Thuzad boss in Curse of Naxxramas, you will get all three animal companions as well as Mr. Bigglesworth.[3]

Strategy[editedit source]

Call Of The Wild Book

A strong card for Hunters that do not focus on doing damage to the enemy hero, but instead want to keep control over the battlefield, summoning 3 powerful Beasts for only 9 mana.

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The presence of Leokk makes this useful with 3-4 other minions already in place, and in combination with Huffer's appearance can make this a reliable card for dealing face damage.

Lore[editedit source]

'To heed such a call is to forsake man-made weaponry in favor of a more feral response.'

Based upon Animal Companion, this spell seems to represent the hunter calling upon all their faithful companions at once.

There was also a Hunter pet ability named Call of the Wild in World of Warcraft, as well as a Druid ability in the TCG, although in both cases its effect was very different. Its effect is reminiscent of another Hunter ability: Stampede.

Trivia[editedit source]

  • For 'a few minutes' during the card's development, Call of the Wild instead summoned 3 random companions. Mike Donais comments, 'That didn't last long though',[4] likely referring to the burst potential of multiple Huffers, or simply frustration with the unpredictability of the RNG.

Gallery[editedit source]

Call of the Wild, full art

Patch changes[editedit source]

  • Patch (2016-10-03): Cost increased from 8 to 9.
Commentary: Although Call of the Wild is intended to be a powerful late game option, it is over performing at 8 mana. By moving it to 9 mana we intend to tone down its power enough that it won’t be an automatic inclusion in every Hunter deck and overshadow other strategies.
  • Patch (2016-04-24): Added.

References[editedit source]

Hunter Call Of The Wild Strategy
  1. PlayHearthstone on Twitter. (2016-04-05).
  2. PlayHearthstone on Twitter. (2016-04-06).
  4. Richard Knight's new hunter card announced. (2016-05-06).
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Set:Whispers of the Old Gods
Artist:Peter Stapleton

Summon all 3 Animal Companions.

'Hello. Misha, Leokk and Huffer aren't here right now, but if you leave a message we'll get back to you right away.' BEEP.

Call of the Wild is an epichunterspell card, from the Whispers of the Old Gods set.

How to get[editedit source]

Call of the Wild can be obtained through Whispers of the Old Godscard packs purchased online from the shop, or through crafting.

CardCrafting costDisenchanting
Call of the Wild400100
Golden Call of the Wild1600400

Summoned minions[editedit source]

One copy of each of the following minions is summoned when this spell is cast.

Notes[editedit source]

  • The companions are summoned in what in English is alphabetical order: Huffer, then Leokk, then Misha.[1] This order is used regardless of the game client's current language, although it may not be alphabetical order in other languages.[2]
    • This is important when playing with more than 4 minions already in play, since there won't be room to summon all 3 companions. This produces 4 possibilities:
      • With 4 or fewer friendly minions on the board, all 3 companions will be summoned
      • With 5 minions on the board, only Huffer and Leokk will be summoned
      • With 6 minions on the board, only Huffer will be summoned
      • With 7 minions on the board, no companions will be summoned
    • This arguably provides a bias toward aggressive play, with Huffer's Charge and then Leokk's Attack buff taking priority over Misha's Taunt.
  • Leokk's ongoing effect will be put into play as soon as it is summoned, resulting in Huffer immediately becoming a 5/2 and Misha a 5/4.
  • If used against the Kel'Thuzad boss in Curse of Naxxramas, you will get all three animal companions as well as Mr. Bigglesworth.[3]

Strategy[editedit source]

A strong card for Hunters that do not focus on doing damage to the enemy hero, but instead want to keep control over the battlefield, summoning 3 powerful Beasts for only 9 mana.

The presence of Leokk makes this useful with 3-4 other minions already in place, and in combination with Huffer's appearance can make this a reliable card for dealing face damage.

Lore[editedit source]

'To heed such a call is to forsake man-made weaponry in favor of a more feral response.'

Based upon Animal Companion, this spell seems to represent the hunter calling upon all their faithful companions at once.

There was also a Hunter pet ability named Call of the Wild in World of Warcraft, as well as a Druid ability in the TCG, although in both cases its effect was very different. Its effect is reminiscent of another Hunter ability: Stampede.

Trivia[editedit source]

  • For 'a few minutes' during the card's development, Call of the Wild instead summoned 3 random companions. Mike Donais comments, 'That didn't last long though',[4] likely referring to the burst potential of multiple Huffers, or simply frustration with the unpredictability of the RNG.

Gallery[editedit source]

Call of the Wild, full art

Patch changes[editedit source]

  • Patch (2016-10-03): Cost increased from 8 to 9.
Commentary: Although Call of the Wild is intended to be a powerful late game option, it is over performing at 8 mana. By moving it to 9 mana we intend to tone down its power enough that it won’t be an automatic inclusion in every Hunter deck and overshadow other strategies.
  • Patch (2016-04-24): Added.

References[editedit source]

  1. PlayHearthstone on Twitter. (2016-04-05).
  2. PlayHearthstone on Twitter. (2016-04-06).
  4. Richard Knight's new hunter card announced. (2016-05-06).
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