Fallout 4 Ctd On New Game

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Updated 2017-06-19: I found one cause of the crashes with SHARE and Fallout 4 (for me) - The HRTP

So, Im getting. Well instant CTD when I try to enter sanctuary on a new game. With or without Four play enabled. I really am trying to do a. Mar 19, 2018 - I've currently tried running as administrator, disabling Steam Overley, deleting everything but Data and verifying to reinstall Fallout 4.exe and everything within the folder, reinstalling the entirety of Fallout 4 including Data and DLCs, installing and running with and without F4SE, once again with Nexus Mod Manager.

Just a quick post to say that, if you are experiencing Fallout 4 CTDs (Crashes To Desktop, where FO4 closes without any messages or anything and you are left staring at your Desktop in Windows), I want to let you know It's Not Just You™ - as I am finding I am experiencing this as well, lately...
I haven't looked into Forums specifically for this, but perusing Forii off and on over the past year or so, where many are talking about Fallout 4 and Crashing, it seems to happen a lot to people anyway, for just about any reason, unfortunately. I myself wasn't experiencing this very much though (gladly), until just recently when playing FO4 again [and spending way too much time building up Settlements instead of getting Quests done], I was testing out different Game Recording Programs and started seeing this happen.
I'm happily playing Fallout 4, getting frustrated at the Building mechanics or shooting some Raiders attacking my Settlement, when all of a sudden, BOOM - desktop image and icons. No message, nothing. Fallout 4 has closed itself instantly. I of course start it up again and begin to see where I last hit QuickSave or the game automatically Saved for me - but this has happened a few times in a row now where BOOM - the desktop greets me and icons appear. No message, nothing.
So, I tried to pay attention to what I was doing or what was running as Background Tasks - and the one thing I found, that when I changed it, the crashes stopped happening?.. I was recording with SHARE, NVIDIA's new version of ShadowPlay, their game recorder that is included with their Graphics Driver. Interesting. I have up 'till now had no issues with SHARE, enjoyed testing it out, taking Screenshots with it and testing out the various Quality settings and forgetting about all of those tests and never writing about it. It seems to have great performance (very small performance 'hit'/effect) and has a decent amount of options/features.
I then tried some other game recording programs I have purchased over the years, Playclaw, Bandicam, Mirillis' ACTION, and none of them had any Crashing occur while I was using them (although Fallout 4 didn't seem to like to start up with Bandicam running sometimes [but when I started the game first then Bandicam, it recorded fine]). Hmph. That's too bad, I was liking SHARE. There could of course be a myriad of things that could be causing this (I have sometimes run into the game not starting up, with a black screen then shutting itself down again/closing, no matter what game recorder I am using - and again, there are people with high-end Intel CPUs and NVIDIA 1080's with CTDs...); but for me, it seems to be SHARE, at this time. I might go and mention this in the Official NVIDIA Forum, if noone else has recently. Perhaps this is just a temporary issue in this game and their Drivers, in this version.
I am running NVIDIA GPU Driver Version 382.53 in Windows 10 64-bit, on a GTX 1060 3GB GPU, as of the date of this post.
I know this was a Text-Only post, but I took this screenie of the Driver
Version (so I would remember it) and didn't want to waste it

I mention all of this because, I was not really experiencing any Crashes-To-Desktop with Fallout 4 prior to thinking of testing out SHARE for a while, just a bit ago. I am Level 42 in the game, after 'starting out a second time' and enjoying playing again, taking notes and screenshots for some future posts on it, while I slowly build and shoot my way through The Commonwealth... Where was I? Oh yeah, the crashes. It's sad, but I want others to not feel alone (you're not, really, go look up 'Fallout 4 crash desktop'..). If you are experiencing Fallout 4 closing without any error messages recently, just letting you know - It's Not Just You™...

Update 2017-06-19:
For my personal battle with this, I did some more testing and found that I was able to use NVIDIA's SHARE to record with, for quite a long time (hours), when I disabled/uninstalled the High Resolution Texture Pack DLC...
I am not sure if this is the only related aspect to it (as CTDs happen for even GTX 1080 users and higher capability systems than mine and it happens to those not using the HRTP or SHARE at all), but for now, it seems that this issue may be directly related to that [for me] as it crashes far more often than without running the HRTP - and I have no crashes when recording with other Game Recorders and The High Resolution Texture Pack...

Is it that the HRTP is 'too much' for my little 1060 with only 3GB of VRAM and SHARE together?
Is it related to how the game then uses more RAM (I have 16GB of RAM installed) with the HRTP and possibly a symptom of some RAM issues, perhaps?
I'm not sure of a solution yet, so I cannot say - but if you are experiencing this problem of 'Crashing while recording Fallout 4 with SHARE', try disabling the High Resolution Texture Pack for FO4 - it worked for me, just now. (Alternatively, use a different Game Recorder for the time being..). HTH
Posted by3 years ago

So I installed 62 mods on a fresh install and now the game crashes when I start a new game or try to load a save. I haven't a clue why this is happening and according to LOOT there are no conflicts in my load order nor errors or warnings.

Load order 0 0 Fallout4.esm

1 1 DLCRobot.esm

2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm

Fallout 4 Ctd On New Game Download

3 3 DLCCoast.esm

Fallout 4 Ctd Without Mods

4 4 ArmorKeywords.esm

5 5 Loads.esm

6 6 NewCalibers.esp

7 7 SpringCleaning.esm

8 8 Snap'n Build.esm

9 9 SettlementKeywords.esm

10 a Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp

11 b ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp

12 c zWInsanity.esp

13 d mysteriousmagnum.esp

14 e RangerSequoiaCraft.esp

15 f Crafting Workbench.esp

16 10 Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp

17 11 Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp

18 12 Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp

19 13 Crafting Workbenches - Junk Items.esp

20 14 Loads of Ammo - Leveled Lists.esp

21 15 Armorsmith Extended.esp

22 16 AWKCRPatch-UFO4P.esp

23 17 Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp

24 18 Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Expanded.esp

25 19 Grasslands - Unhealthy.esp

26 1a dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp

27 1b dD - Screen Blood Duration Medium.esp

28 1c dD - Small Splatter Size.esp

29 1d CROSS_Cybernetics.esp

30 1e CompanionAccuracy.esp

31 1f TrueStormsFO4.esp

32 20 TrueStormsFO4-ClimateSettings.esp

33 21 TrueStormsFO4-Performance-Fog.esp

34 22 TrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.esp

35 23 BetterModDescriptions.esp

36 24 BrighterSettlementLights.esp

37 25 Snappable Covenant Walls.esp

Fallout 4 Vr Crash On New Game

38 26 Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp

39 27 Craftable Armor Size.esp

40 28 DD_CBBE_SLooty_Castle_Innie_Vajayjay_4k_Fix.esp

41 29 ImmersiveVendors.esp

42 2a LongerPowerLines3x.esp

43 2b Rangergearnew.esp

44 2c SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp

45 2d SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp

46 2e M9.esp

47 2f BetterGenerators.esp

48 30 DDP_Ramps_mark1.esp

49 31 Fr4nssonsLightTweaks.esp

50 32 WET Clearer.esp

51 33 SkibsWeaponsMerged-AWKCR+LOADS.esp

52 34 MGSOutfit.esp

53 35 ScrapDeadThings.esp

54 36 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp

55 37 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - No Crafting Perks.esp

56 38 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp

57 39 Workshop_Planters.esp

58 3a FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC01.esp

59 3b FunctionalDisplays.esp

60 3c FunctionalDisplays-AID-Vanilla.esp

61 3d Plenty 'O' Interiors.esp

62 3e WET.esp

63 3f SSEX.esp

64 40 FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp

65 41 FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.esp

66 42 FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC03.esp

67 43 FunctionalDisplays-Weapons-Vanilla.esp

68 44 OWR_CraftableDecor.esp

69 45 OWR_CraftableDecor_SKPatch.esp

70 46 OWR.esp

71 47 OWR_CraftableRadios.esp

72 48 Campsite.esp

73 49 Campsite-AWKCR.esp

74 4a LooksMenu.esp