Windows 10 Taskbar Height

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Posted by3 years ago
  1. Reduce Taskbar Height Windows 10

Windows 10 does no give me the option. I use a 17' screen because My eyes are not good even with glasses. I cannot for the life of me adjust the taskbar icons They are just way too small. The small icon box is unchecked so the icon i have must be the fixed size. Method 1: Change taskbar position on Windows 10 screen by dragging mouse. Step 1: Click on any blank area of the taskbar with your left mouse button to select the taskbar. Step 2: Press and hold down the left mouse button, then drag the mouse pointer to the position on the screen where you want the taskbar to appear. Taskbar configuration is available starting in Windows 10, version 1607. Start and taskbar configuration can be applied to devices running Windows 10 Pro, version 1703. For information on using the layout modification XML to configure Start with roaming user profiles, see Deploy Roaming User Profiles.


I've been looking around of ra while for how to change the Windows 10 default taskbar. 'small icons' does work but not quit enough. It seems the default height is around 30, or 32 pixels - I was hoping to get it down to 24...22...20, something like that. I have a second task bar at the top of my screen (DisplayFusion) set to 22, and it look great. I've seen RegEdit keys for icons, but not the taskbar itself. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Reduce Taskbar Height Windows 10

Windows 10 taskbar search