Tcpdump Filter Post Requests

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I need to record all outgoing A records on a RedHat PC. I tried using tcpdump:

In most cases you will need root permission to be able to capture packets on an interface. Using tcpdump (with root) to capture the packets and saving them to a file to analyze with Wireshark (using a regular account) is recommended over using Wireshark with a root account to capture packets on an 'untrusted' interface.

It makes an output file like:

  1. Capture and replay http post using tcpdump. Published: Fri 07 December 2012. So we want to filter out as much as possible. Also, tcpdump has a built-in mechanism for rolling and gzipping capture files (either every n seconds, or when the file gets over n bytes).
  2. Nov 20, 2014 - The problem is that we're failing to find the correct tcpdump arguments to only capture HTTP post requests (which is needed because a full.

So I need to process that to get the

Is there any better solution to gather all the outgoing A record requests?

Tcpdump Filter Post Requests List

p.s.: collecting DNS A records is only needed to have an up-to-date list of websites that are reachable via HTTPS. So I can generate xml files for HTTPSEverywhere Firefox Add-on. So this is just a part of a script.

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Tcpdump Filter Post Requests Letter

2 Answers


If you don't have wireshark installed then

should work for you. As you wanted to limit the output to the second to last value then I would parse your log file with:

If you want it live then:

Tcpdump Cheat Sheet

should do it, (here sed and awk are interchangeable; and I would pick awk.)

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Alexx RocheAlexx Roche

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Power ball winner numbers. I am trying to get a tcpdump trace of some http requests.

Here is what I got so far (I replaced the real IP addresses with REMOTE and LOCAL):

But I do not get the following level of details:

Request URL: Request Method:POST Status Code:200 OK POST /index.php HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 151 Cache-Control: max-age=0 etc

How can I get this level of data?


2 Answers

I'm not sure about the available options in Windump, but on tcpdump on Linux, you have:

Tcpdump Filter Post Requests

You may need to increase the snaplength with '-s' to fully show the packet, also. Something like 'tcpdump -A -s 1500' with the filter options.

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I prefer to capture everything in a file like this:

and then load the /tmp/wtf file to Wireshark GUI so I can analyze everything in a more intuitive way.

Janne PikkarainenJanne Pikkarainen
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