Sims 4 Breast Size

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A Guide to Babies in The Sims 4, featuring how to become a parent and raising a baby up to the child stage. Also includes information on improving fertility rates to have more twins and triplets, or to influence the baby to be a boy or girl at birth. Mod The Sims - Breast Separation Slider Sims 4 Cc Skin, Sims Cc, Sims. Breast Separation Slider by CmarNYC (Sims This slider replaces breast size with.

Click the Sim's face to change their appearance. The game offers a variety of possibilities in this matter. You can choose from predefined looks (the list on the right) or enter Detail edit mode, where you can manually change the appearance of a selected part of the face.

Adjusting the body

First, take a look at your Sim's whole body. You can change the size of specific parts of body like thighs, calves, hips, stomach, feet, arms etc. by clicking them and dragging left or right.


First, choose the skin tone. You can choose between sixteen typical tones (from white to black skin) and two unusual - green and blue. Below you can choose predefined shapes of face. You can choose one of them, then tweak it by clicking specific elements or entering Detail edit mode (described below).

When you choose a face shape, you can change the size of particular elements by clicking them.

Click particular elements to change their appearance. You can tweak e.g. nose, shape of head, eyes (including colour), cheeks, chin, eyes etc.

In skin details you can edit some additional elements like wrinkles, birthmarks, freckles etc.



The next tab is responsible for appearance and colour of hair. Hairstyles are divided into three categories - short, medium and long. You can choose from over a dozen hair colours.


You can give your Sim a hat. They have been divided into three categories: with brim, without brim, caps. You don't have to add a hat to every outfit.


Sims 4 Breast Size

It's almost the end of this stage. Here you can choose accessories: earrings, glasses and necklaces. There isn't much choice (especially for men) but you can find some interesting items here.


The last element you can select is make-up. You can add some (for men too) to your Sim's eyes, add eye shadow, eyeliner and, in case of women, blush and lipstick.

Detail edit mode

Breast Size Chart

There is an icon on the left side of the head. When you click it, you'll enter detail edit mode. You can tweak many elements of face there with a lot of precision. Click an element and drag it to change the appearance.