My Desktop Background Keeps Changing

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Posted by3 years ago
Desktop background themes

Hey guys so I was able to install Yosemite fine on my setup, however every time now I log in, the background keeps resetting to the Yosemite default background. I have a folder in my Pictures directory with a bunch of 4K backgrounds, however when I set them through the settings as the current. Just bought an iMac last month and I absolutely love it. The only problem is that every time I change my desktop background image, whenever I switch user accounts or put it to sleep and wake it up, the background image ends up changing to a different one. Here you need to change the setting as per your need. If you want to enable Desktop background slide show then change both links to available and if you want to disable change the links to Paused. If you need to customize it according to the power whether it is electric power or battery you can do this from here. Dark ages of warcraft wiki.


I 'upgraded' to windows 10 today and am feeling like I maybe shouldn't have.

I'm running a dual monitor setup so I have two different images for each monitor.

On Windows 8.1 in the Personalization Menu I could right click the images I wanted and set them to display 1 or 2 etc.

Not only did they completely take that feature away in Windows 10 but to set the backgrounds I have to open the pictures in their folder and Ctrl click the ones I want then right click set as background.

I find this a massively unnecessary change but so be it. My problem is once they are set eventually one of the monitors will change its background to the one that's set to the other monitor and I have to manually go back and change them to the ones I want. Seems to happen every hour or so. I do not have the slideshow background setting turned on and it's getting really frustrating that something so simple as setting your background is being so difficult.

Microsoft Desktop Background

I searched Google and Reddit for a solution to this but couldn't find one which is why I've made this post. Hope someone can give me a hand.

Disney Desktop Background