How To Blacklist Tags On Ao3

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I would like to blacklist the amdgpu driver. I opened /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and added the following line:

Then I rebooted and ran lsmod grep amdgpu:

Why is the module still loading?

Do you mean blacklist certain tags, so posts with those tags don’t show up on your account? If so, you want Tumblr Savior add-on for your web browser. It lets you select what tags, and what related tags you don’t want to appear on your dashboard. While on ao3, right click ao3 savior config in the tampermonkey menu (mac users press command + click!!! It will take you to a new page where you can scroll down and edit the script, as shown: now click save!!

My desktop is running Kubuntu 17.04 and I have a Radeon R9 270X.

How To Blacklist Tags On Ao3

Nathan OsmanNathan Osman
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1 Answer

Many modules are loaded from the initramfs, before the root filesystem is mounted. That means the initramfs contains its own copy of the modprobe configuration, so after editing, you need to update the initramfs:

How To Blacklist Tags On Ao3 On Facebook

will do that. Note that only updates the one for the current kernel—you can specify additional arguments to update others (e.g., old kernels) as well.

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I want to check the HTML tags the user is using in a rich html editor I have. I am not sure though how to do this in C#.

Should I be using Regex and what HTML tags should I be blacking listing/white listing?

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31.7k155 gold badges414 silver badges703 bronze badges

3 Answers

A simple whitelisting approach:


&lt;span&gt;<b>99</b> &lt; <i>100</i>&lt;/span&gt; &lt;!-- 99 &lt; 100 --&gt;

Rendered output:

<span>99 < 100</span> <!-- 99 < 100 -->

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How to blacklist tags on ao3 on iphone

You might try the Html Agility Pack. I haven't tried it to skip tags, but it could certainly find tags.

20k6 gold badges78 silver badges122 bronze badges

Assuming the tags are entered as single string like here on StackOverflow, you'll want to split the string into individual tags first:

A white-/blacklist can be represented using a HashSet<T> storing the tags:

Then you'd have to check if one of the tags is on the list:

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Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged c#html or ask your own question.