Sonic Exe Creepypasta Story

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I've had this one requested I dont know how many times and I'm finally going to get it done. Just in a few parts;) Keep your eyes open for part 2! Also a great Big Happy Birthday to Flighty. Like the normal Sonic, Sonic.exe can run at superfast speeds, but he can also corrupt video game Movelist Special Moves. Red Ring of Blood - Sonic.exe shoots a crimson energy blast in the shape of the rings from the Sonic franchise. Homing Attack - Sonic.exe jumps upward, then bashes into the opponent.

-General Info-

Name: Sonic.exe

Alaises: Exe, X, King of Darkness

Age: 5 (mentally 25)

Birthday: July 24, 2011


Fur/Quills: Navy blue, messy and unkempt

Skin: Pale, peach-ish grey

Eyes: Black sclera, red iris

Features: Has faint, red scars underneath eyes from crying blood, slender build, appears to be taller than at least 5 feet (height is currently unconfirmed).

Attire: White gloves without cuffs, long black and grey boots with buckles.


Favourite Colour: unknown


Favourite Food: Meatball marinara with pickles (yes, this is actually confirmed.)

Traits: Sadistic, obsessed with Sonic (as in the character), can be a bit goofy, is reliant of and on those he loves, very intelligent

Likes: Sonic the Hedgehog, tormenting his 'slaves', his 'family' figures, the Cult of X, his Seven Guardians, getting his way

Dislikes: Amy Rose, losing, 'Haters', traitors, death

Sonic Exe Creepypasta Story Wiki


Sonic the Hedgehog: Exe is in love with Sonic, despite Sonic not even being real.

Amy Rose: Exe hates Amy with a passion, since he believes that she interferes with Sonic. (Then again, he knows she's not real, either.)

His Guardians: The relationships of Exe and his Guardians are yet to be revealed.

Cult of X: He loves the Cult of X because of how unbelievably loyal they are to him. However, if there are traitors, then Exe will not hesitate on punishing them.

There are some useful things in the gallery as well, so please take a look ^^

Art and Sonic.exe goes to JC the Hyena.

For Sonic.exe's official bio, click/tap here ->

Posted by1 year ago

From the infamous creepypasta to the hidden message in Sonic CD, this theory is going to be mind blowing.. well that really does depend.

My name is KO saurusREX, and I'm from the FNaF reddit. I've made many theories before, and here is my first ever theory on the topic of creepy gaming. Specifically, Sonic the Hedgehog. This theory is going to prove Sonic.EXE's ACTUAL existence using evidence from Sonic CD, as well as revealing the lore of the creepypasta itself. Get your super sonic sneakers on, and lets speed it up!

First, let's look at Sonic.EXE and his backstory. The main story is simple: involves two friends, in this case, Tom and Kyle, as well as an original 'copy' of the first Sonic the Hedgehog game that's haunted by an evil entity taking the form of Sonic himself. Tom, in the creepypasta describes the series of events while playing the game and how he thinks the entity had took his friend Kyle, as well as other innocent bystanders who came upon the game got dragged into it. Sonic.exe breaks the fourth wall and disrupts Tom's life.

Like I said, it's pretty cut and dry. In Sally.exe, however, the creepyasta isn't told in the perspective of Tom. Heck, the protagonist of the story never reveals his name once. Taking notice of that, the sequel is pretty much cliche, except with some differences; protagonist finds a Sonic SatAM DVD set for free/$1 but turns out to be, yet again, haunted by the same evil entity taking the form of Sonic again. This time, it kills off the female cast of the franchise, including Sally, who we know isn't canon in the Sonic games. In the end, the cutscenes to Ep. 7 of the DVD is modified and it's pretty straight foward from there.

At first, when reading the stories, it really doesn't reveal a lot.. until you compare the two stories together and starting to put some of the puzzle pieces together. First, what we need to recognize is that the story begins with Tom, who has received the disc from his old friend, Kyle. After reading the letter from Kyle to destroy the disc before 'sonic' catches him, he begins to observe the disc itself.

'ANY way, I looked at the disc and it looks like any ordinary computer CD-R disc, except it had black marker on it written 'SONIC.EXE', and it was much unlike Kyle's handwriting, meaning that he must've gotten it from someone else, like a pawn shop or eBay.' -Sonic.exe

Note that it says 'he must've gotten it from someone else, like a pawn shop or eBay.' meaning that Kyle must've found it online on eBay. This is the first clue we get to finding out who the protagonist is in Sally.exe, which also mentions eBay;

'I was browsing E-bay the other day. I wondered if there would be any items about my favourite character from the series, Sally Acorn.'

Reading this, it's just a reference to the same website mentioned in the previous story. Sure, it's a small similarity, but what's really surprising is the fact that Sally EXE mentions Kyle; Tom's old friend. We don't know what really happened to Kyle in Sonic EXE, but Sally EXE proves Kyle's fate;

Sonic Exe Creepypasta Story

'Kyle didn't want to play with me.' the writing appeared again. 'What a shame.. but I can play with you..' '.. right?'

So Sally.exe proves that Kyle had been kidnapped by Sonic EXE himself, hence the message; 'Kyle didn't want to play with me. 'What a shame..'

Sure, that's two things, and even though the stories shares a lot of similarities, I want to take a step back, and rewind to what the author; JC the Hyena, had to say about EXE's origin story. When the creepypasta's were super iconic and had their own fangames based off of the events, people thought that the entity was a satanic spirit controlling sonic himself. This is because of the Sega 666 logo mentioned in the stories and the message 'I AM GOD' mentioned in the stories as well, until JC kills the theory with his own origin story of Sonic.exe;

'Many of you fans speculated that he was God, Satan or a rly powerful demon from Hell, and all your interpretations of my creation have amused and entertained me. But I can assure you that Sonic.exe is none of those things. In fact, he isn't even a creation of God or the Devil. He is an entirely different entity, one that created itself.'

'See, the creature that is Sonic.exe was created in the void, in a gab between dimensions, making him a non-existent outsider in our universe. This creature was born out of pure dark matter in this void, and at the time he had no real namesake nor did he have an actual describable body, it was only until he learned about OUR world that he actually started getting a body. ' -JC the Hyena, Deviantart.

Well, that wraps it up!. or does it? He says that Sonic.exe was an entity made in 'a gab between dimensions' and was made of pure dark matter, how he had no body until he started learning about OUR dimension, taking the form of a childhood memory; Sonic. To me, I think it's amazing but a complicated origin story. It doesn't really feel like that's the real origin story though.. and it isn't.


NOW, let's talk about the Sonic CD message. When the game was released for the Sega Genesis, it wasn't a cartridge, it was a CD. After completing the game, you were able to unlock weird easter eggs using codes in the game's sound file. If you use the numbers 46, 12, 25, and press start, you get a Japanese message with multiple weird looking sonic's in the background and the creepy boss battle music from the game. When translated, it says: 'Infinite Fun Sega Enterprises Image by Majin'

Majin, in Japanese, means someone or something with supernatural abilities, such as the devil himself. Reading this, Sega enterprises with the devil, is what the message is trying to say. While taking in this information, here's where all the puzzle pieces start to fall together;

First, we know that this is the devil because of the Sega 666 year date mentioned in the pasta, as well as the message; 'I AM GOD.' This also explains why Sonic has the ability to levitate/float as seen in the fan game as well as his childish behavior. If all of that isn't enough, we can tie it together with all of the numerous victims that've been taken by this entity; he is the god of his world; the EXE disc mentioned in the first story. The devil is ruining children's perspective of Sonic the Hedgehog; an icon that people would look up to.

Coincidence? Absolutely not! Creepypasta's don't do coincidences.

Going back to the creepypasta's, we can now confirm who the protagonist is in Sally.exe; We are reading from the perspective of Tom. The same Tom from Sonic.exe. We know this because Tom is the only person possessing that kind of interest of Sonic the Hedgehog, not just the games or the comics. Tom is literally being stalked by Satan, taking the form of his childhood icon for revenge. Revenge because Tom didn't die in the first story. Satan wants him to be dragged into the hellhole he's trapped in. This explains why Sally.exe mentions 'Up for round two?' because Satan is confronting Tom for the second time.

Coincidence? Absolutely not! Creepypasta's don't do coincidences.

How can the answer be improved? Internet explorer not showing all images.

If all of this doesn't convince you, then taking one more observation to compare the two stories together, note that Sonic.exe was focused on the games itself. In Sally.exe, it was focused on the comics, which are not canon to the games. It's as if Tom is trying to make the stories were told from someone else's perspective rather than someone who knew what had happened the first time, hence the reason why the two stories are focused on two different elements of the Sonic franchise; Tom was trying to throw us off.

Creepypasta's don't do coincidences.

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So, there you have it; Sonic.exe is actually Satan/the devil himself, taking the form of Sonic the Hedgehog, capturing children by ruining their childhood using the form of sonic as his cover to trap them in the dreaded disc, doing it out for his own pleasure, and Tom is the protagonist in both creepypastas, being stalked by the nightmarish sonic that took his friend a long time ago.

If JC the Hyena were to make another Sonic.exe creepypasta, it would be the finale; Tom confronting Satan one more time to rescue the children, including Kyle, from Sonic's wrath. If he were to make another story, it would be the final chapter of the Sonic.exe story because to me, Sally.exe was a great sequel to Sonic exe, but it didn't feel like it ended the story for good, if that's what JC was intended to do.

That's my theory! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you enjoyed it, I'll be sure to make another theory soon!