Show Cause Notice Format

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  1. Show Cause Notice Format To Contractor
  2. Show Cause Notice Format For Government Employee

Show Cause Notice Format for Employee

RESPONDING TO A SHOW CAUSE NOTICE. When the government issues a show cause letter, on the other hand, the government usually has made a preliminary decision to the terminate the contract for default. Your response would then have to convince the contracting officer why he or she should not issue the default. The show cause notice is not required when terminating commercial item contracts. If the contractor fails to deliver the supplies or perform the services within the amount of time specified in the contract or any extension of that time, the CO should send a show cause notice asking the contractor to show why the contract should not be terminated for default. A show cause notice should be sent immediately upon expiration of the delivery period.

Date: dd-mm-yy


Name: XYZ

Show cause notice format under gstShow Cause Notice Format


Show Cause Notice Format To Contractor

(Company/Organization Name)

Subject: Show Cause Notice

Whereas a complaint against you lodged by (Name: ZZZ) (designation/position) (Dated) forums regarding use of substandard material in the contraction work, corruption and other serious allegations mentioned in the complaint.

And whereas the undersigned appointed (Designation/Position) of (Company/Organization Name) of (City/Area Name) as an (Authority) to en-quire the charges leveled against the accused official and submit this findings/inquiry report. The same is still awaited. And whereas the project manager project Implementation supervision consultants visited the plant and found that most of the grievances of the workers are valid/genuine. A photocopy of shortfalls pointed out by project manager is enclosed for early rectification.

The undersigned as competent authority of company checking employee’s efficiency discipline and accountability and inform all inefficient and corrupted employees warning notice.


The employees accused official is directed to submit written defence to the inquiry officer within seven days of the date of issuance of this order. If the employee fails to submit his written defence within the prescribed period, It will be resumed that either he has no defence to offer or he has decline to offer the same and he has accepted the charges.


Show Cause Notice Format For Government Employee

HR Department.