Maps Of India With Actual Areas Under Control

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  1. Maps Of India With Actual Areas Under Control In Women

The army of the British East India Company then marched in and brought its territory under its control. This left the British in complete control of the Indian sub-continent. This left the British in complete control of the Indian sub-continent. Shoreline Boundary of Indian Claim International Boundary (Undisputed) Line of Control (Disputed) Boundary of Foreign Claim State / Union Territory Boundary.

All of India was a british colony for almost 300 years

When India become a British colony?

What was the richest British colony?

What country took control of India in 1876?

Who controlled India?

What was the British colony of India called?

Is Pakistan a British colony?

Actually when the British ruled India , t was part of India then.

What two nations emerged from the british colony of India in 1947?

Why did Gandhi go to London?

How long was India a British colony?

What if India were still a colony of the british?

After World war 2 the colony of british India became 2 coutries what are they?

What is the former name of Pakistan when it was a British colony?

How was the British colony of India divided in 1947?

Into what two countries did British divide its Indian colony?

Why was India such a profitable colony for the British?

Why did India become a colony of the British Empire?

The British first arrived in India around 1600. They came to start trading monopolies with them. The British East India Company was formed to facilitate that trade. The French were also there. At the end of the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), the French lost their trading rights in India and the British East India Company began to establish greater control, generally through agreements with the Mughal rulers. By the 1840's, the British East India Company… Read More

What were the benefits for India as a British colony?

It helped them be more united like Pakistan and India worked together

When did India become a british colony?

In 1858. Related Information: The colonization was a direct result of the Indian rebellion against the English East India Company. After the rebellion was quelled in 1857, the British Crown assumed direct control over India. Then in 1858, the passage of the Government of India Act, officially made India a British colony. Britain colonized (ruled) India between 1612 and 1947.

Why did India choose to help the British in World War 1?

They helped Britain because they were a British Colony.

In the mid-1800 did India become a colony of great Britain?

The British first arrived in India around 1600. They came to trade. The British East India Company was formed to facilitate that trade. The French were also there. At the end of the Seven Years War (1756-1763), the French lost there trading rights in India and the British East India company began to establish greater control, generally through agreements with the Mughal rulers. By the 1840's the British East India Company had control of much… Read More

When did Sri Lanka become a British colony?

The British East India Company established control of the island in 1796, declaring it a crown colony in 1802, although the island would not be officially connected with British India. The fall of the kingdom of Kandy in 1815 unified the island under British rule.

Why did sikhs move to england?

What were the adventages to India by being a British colony?

Nothing, except that the british stopped bandits praying off travelers

India was a colony of what country?

While India was primarily and for the longest period a British colony, certain parts of India have been French, Portuguese and Dutch colonies as well. Horseisle Answer:Britain. OpenEquine un Server.

Which European country controlled India for over 200 years?

India was a colony of England and was a member of the British Empire until 1947, when it gained its independence. Today, India is a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

How long was India in the british empire for?

From 1858 to 1947 as a colony, and from 1947 to 1950 as a dominion.

When did India become and cease being a british colony?

The most valuable colony of Britain?

The British always considered India the 'jewel in the Crown'.

What did India do in World War I?

India played a big role in WW1 they were still a British colony at the time but they sent 800,000 troops to battle for the British in all war theaters.

When was Burma separated from India?

It wasn't. It was a British colony until 1948, when Burma became an independent union outside the British Commonwealth.

Was Sril Lanka a part of India before or not?

Ceylon (as it was known before independence) was a separate British colony from the Empire of India. yes the sirilanks was the part of india.

What were the positive and negative effects of imperialism for the british the mother country and for India the colony?

The Africans of Dhu Mang,India revolted against British soldiers and eventually re-gained their land.

What Mughal Empire was the last one to exist in the country of before the British made it a colony?


Is India still a british colony?

They have been independent Nation since August 5, 1948.

How did Sri Lanka become a part of the British empire?

The British East India Company established control over it and then declared it a crown colony.

Since when was India a British colony?

Parts of India had been under control of the East India Company since the 1750's, and in 1858 (after the Indian Mutiny), they came under control of the British Government. This lasted until 1947.

When did India become and cease being a colony?

p don't think India was ever considered a colony of Britain, these were areas such as the American and Australian areas controled from London that were being settled by the British, this never happened with India. It gained independance in 1947 ^

What country was considered the British Empire's most valuable colony in the 1800s and the early 1900s?

What is the origin of the word pjamas?

Pyjamas is a word that the British borrowed from the East Indians when they occupied India as a colony.

Maps Of India With Actual Areas Under Control In Women

India it was a british empire?

Yes,India was a colony of Britain. I around 1612,East India Company got monopoly rights to trade and the English gradually colonised India.India got freed only in 1947.British controlled India for almost 200 years.

Why did Britain want a colony in India?

The British wanted colonial control of India so they could have a base for further trading, and to have access to cotton, tea and other resources in India.

Why was India a goog colony of the british empire?

India was the richest country in the world until the British came. It has spices, workforce, an enormous amount of wealth, excellent trading ports and obviously made Britain so much more richer. The British would call India the 'jewel in the crown'

Was the Dominican Republic a British colony?

Explain in details why India become a colony of British?

There isn't much detail, Britain invaded India and it's military supremacy won over the Indians

What country used to be a british colony in the 1700 AD until 1947 when it gained it's independence.?

Is the USA a British colony?

No. the U.S is not a British colony because the U.S is a country not a colony.

What colony was formed after the fall of the Mughal Empire in their former territory?

The British colony of India (also called the Raj) composed the majority of the Mughal territory. A small minority was allocated to the buffer state of Afghanistan (which was not a colony).

What was the Simon comission?

It was a group of seven British members of parliament that went to India in 1927 to study constitutional reform in that colony.

Was Portugal a british colony until 1947?

Why the Philippine became British colony?